Race rules / regulations

Kaunas marathon 2025 rules and regulations
The public enterprise „VšĮ Kauno maratono klubas“ („Kaunas marathon club“) is organizing the running event „Kaunas marathon“ on April 27, 2025.
During the event, running enthusiasts and professionals will be able to compete in the following distances:
1. Marathon 42 km 195 m;
2. Halfmarathon 21 km 98 m;
3. 10 km run;
4. 5 km run;
5. Family 1,5km run;
6. Kids 400m run;
Kaunas “Akropolis” trade center, “Karaliaus Mindaugo” avenue.
Event starts on 6:00 am and finishes on 17:00 pm.
08:30 - marathon, half-marathon start
12:30 – 400m kids run start
13:00 - 1,5K family run start
14:00 – 5K start
15:00 – 10K start
1. 42 Km 195 m – 5 hours and 30 minutes.
2. 21 Km 98 m – 2 hours and 45 minutes.
3. 10 Km 1 hour and 30 minutes.
4. 5 Km - 50 minutes.
5. On the race day, after 16:30 pm., the event timetable will be stopped and the city streets will be opened for traffic. Therefore, past 16:30 pm. the event organizers won‘t take any responsibility for the safety on the marathon course.
1. All the runners will be able to participate in this event, after filling the participant’s registration form, passing a medical examination and confirming this on the registration form. Registration fee is nonrefundable. All the participants compete in this event at their own free will and risk (including various health issues etc.). Participants have no obligations to express any complaints for the event organizers, related with their experienced health issues during the event and after it.
2. In order to receive the race bib numbers, participants must have a personal identification document.
3. After registration process to the event every participant authorizes, that he or she gives all the rights to use still and moving images in which he or she appears for marketing purposes without additional permission of the participant. In addition, the personal race results are stored, processed and publicized to create a database of results (also historical), which also allows for the printing of personalized result certificates. By registering, the participant consents to the storage, processing and use of the data for these purposes.
4. The results from your participation (race number, first and last name, gender, age group, ranking, time, country, city and club) will be published after each event on the online www.kaunasmarathon.lt results page.
5. By registering every participant agrees to receive emails and SMS regarding event organisers.
6. Marathon participants must be 18 or older on the day of the event.
7. Half-marathon participants must be 16 or older on the day of the event.
8. Parents or legal guardians take full responsibility for participants under 18. All participants under 18 years have to bring printed and signed agreements when picking up starting packages.
9. Children 400m run participants must be 5 or older on the day of the event. Maximum age for participants is 12 years.
10. Age groups for marathon and half marathon events:
Men Women
V   1986–2007 M   1986–2007
V40   1976–1985 M40   1976–1985
V50   1966–1975 M50   1966–1975
V60   1956–1965 M60   1956–1965
V70   1955 and older M70   1955 and older
1. A person may register to any event only on his or her own name. It is forbidden to pass one‘s own number to another participant. In such case, the participants will be disqualified, and the results won‘t be included into the competition result list.
2. Registered participant is able to change the running distance, or any information related with his profile, with a 10 EUR – fee charge.
2.1. If the participant wishes to choose the shorter distance, he/she must pay 10 EUR swap fee. In addition, participant loses the right to receive the event T-shirt, which will be given to longer distance runners.
2.2. If the participant wishes to choose the longer distance, he/she must cover the entry fee difference, which applies to the valid distance entry fee, charged on the swap day. In addition, 5 EUR swap fee is also charged.
3. Registration information and distance length changes are fulfilled when the participant sends an email with the payment prove copy and detailed changes description, to this email address: info@kaunasmarathon.lt All the changes must be done no later than 2025-04-18.
Organization name: VŠĮ "Kauno maratono klubas"
Company code: 302437756
Company adress: I. Kanto g. 25, Kaunas, Lietuva
Bank acount: LT98 7044 0600 0720 8150
Bank: AB SEB
Bank code: 70440
Telex 261601 VILBK LT

4. Entry fee is nonrefundable and can’t be transferred to other participants.
5. Every participant must have the race bib number properly attached to the shirt. The number must locate on the shirtfront, chest area. Race number must be clearly visible.
6. Participants, spectators and fans are strictly forbidden to use any means of transport, like bicycles, rollerblades, skateboards and other wheeled transport. Participants violating this rule will be disqualified.
7. Participants are not allowed to have any personal escort during the race. Participants violating this rule will be disqualified.
8. To guaranty participants safety, all animals and pets are forbidden on the competition courses. Participants violating this rule will be disqualified.
9. Every participating runner must have time measuring electronic stripe attached to his or her number. Participants who will fail to attach or will do that improperly, will not have their recorded race time. In addition, such participant will not be included into the race protocol.
10. Any deviation from the set course (without permission of the judge) is prohibited. Participants violating this rule will be disqualified.
11. Any claims or complains must be submitted in written form to the chief referee of the competition, no later than 30 minutes after the end of the race. Participant who wishes to submit the claim must pay the fee of 100 EUR, which is retrieved only if the appeal commission (race director, technical official, chief of judge) accepts the claim. The claims are processed only after the fee payment.
12. During the race, participants are forbidden to use any music devices or equipment that may impair their hearing.
13. Race results are compiled according to the official race time count.
1. All the race courses starts and finishes in the Kaunas Old Town, Town Hall square „Rotušė“.
2. Multiple refreshment stations will be established on the marathon/half-marathon course. Stations will serve energy drinks, water and fruits. Approximate food station location will be every 5 kilometers, from the start line.
3. Bio-toilets, on the marathon course will be set up near the refreshment stations.
4. The marathon, half-marathon tracks have been measured and certified and technically prepared for competitions in accordance with World Athletics (WA) Racing Rules and Association of International Marathons and Distance Races (AIMS) requirements.
1. Absolute marathon winners and prizewinners will get “Kaunas marathon” trophies.
2. Marathon and half marathon prizewinners will get money prizes and partners gifts:
1 place   600EUR 1 place   600EUR
2 place   300EUR 2 place   300EUR
3 place   200EUR 3 place   200EUR
Kaunas marathon course record   600EUR
Lithuanian marathon record   10 000EUR
Men Woman
1 place   150EUR 1 place   150EUR
2 place   100EUR 2 place   100EUR
3 place   50EUR 3 place   50EUR
Half-marathon course record   400EUR
3. Age group prizewinners (section 5.10) will receive prizes of event partners.
4. All participants who will cross finish line will be awarded unique Kaunas marathon medals.
5. All marathon registered participants will get official Kaunas marathon T-shirts.
1. Registration fees are announced on event website, under the registration section. www.kaunasmarathon.com
2. Registration fee is nonrefundable and cannot be passed to other participants.
3. Free registration, made through companies or other third parties is nonrefundable.
1. All participants can register online at www.kaunasmarathon.com till 2025 04 25. On April 26-27, online registration will not work.
2. Early Bib number pickup on April 25-26nd. 11am - 8pm shopping center Kauno "Akropolis", Karaliaus Mindaugo pr. 49.
3. Bib number pickup at the day of the event, April 27th, from 6 am. in the race information center at Kaunas old town square. The number pick-up will be closed 15 minutes before the start of each distance. 6am - 8:30am Bib numbers will be provided only for marathon (42km) and half-marathon (21km) participants, other distances Bib number pickup will start at 8:30am.
4. In order, to receive other participant’s bib number or race pack, person must provide the copy of his or her identity-proving document.
5. Participants who properly filled the registration form and made the entry fee payment will be included to the race start list.
6. All participants may register on the day of the event from 6 a.m. The registration will be closed 30 minutes before the start of each race.
7. Race package content must be checked during the pickup. After the event, race packages cannot be received or changed.
8. During the bib number pickup, participants must fill form, located on the number’s backside. Information will be related with their health and relatives contact information.
1. 1. Public Company Kauno Maratono klubas, registration code: 302437756, registration address: I. Kanto str. 25, Kaunas, phone nr. +370 624 36799, email - info@kaunasmarathon.lt, is the data controller responsible for the collection and processing data submitted by participants in the Kaunas Marathon event.
2. Kauno Maratono klubas is also managing website https://www.kaunasmarathon.lt.
3. Participants' data are obtained by filling registration form on page 2. on the specified website and processed in the legitimate interest of the data controller for the purposes of organizing the Kaunas Marathon event, its implementation and the participant's participation in it, such as:
3.1. Information about the name, surname, date of birth, as well as data about payment for registration are processed for the processing and administration of the purchase (registration) of the participant's services during participation in the event;
3.2. Phone number, e-mail, date of birth, gender, country, city, as well as data on the results achieved at the event (time, place) are processed for informational and organizational purposes (to share relevant information about the event, participation in the event (by gender, age), etc.);
3.3. Information about participant's name, surname and e-mail. address is also processed for direct marketing purposes if the participant agrees in advance.
4. The participant must submit in 3.1. and 3.2. points specified data for registration and implementation of the objectives of the event.
5. . Data on the participant's name, surname, age group, gender, achieved results (time, place occupied), as well as the city and the country are published on the website at https://www.kaunasmarathon.lt. In order to ensure the transparency of results, by registering for the event, the participant automatically agrees that this data will be made public on the website.
6. By registering, each participant automatically agrees that the organizers of the event may freely and without separate consent use all photos and videos taken during the event for marketing purposes, such as on social networks, the website, etc.
7. The participant's data is stored:
7.1. Details of the participant's telephone number, email address - 5 years from the date of registration of the participant to participate in the event.
7.2. Data like participant's name, surname, date of birth, gender, country, city, as well as data about the results achieved at the event (time, place occupied) - for statistical / historical purposes and are not deleted.
7.3. Data on the participant's name, surname, telephone number, e-mail email address for direct marketing purposes - 5 years from the date of such consent.
8. The participant has the rights to request the Public Company “Kaunas Marathon Club” allow access to the personal data of the participant and correct or delete them, or restrict the processing of data.
9. The participant has the right to data portability (this right may be implemented by the participant from 25 May 2018 with the direct application of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data). On the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (General Data Protection Regulation).
10. If the data is processed for the purposes of direct marketing (with the prior consent of the participant), the participant has the right to disagree to such processing at any time. The participant can process this right with the received e-mail by clicking on the appropriate link at the bottom of the email or informing company representative by this email address - info@kaunasmarathon.lt.
11. The participant has the right to submit a complaint to the State Data Protection Inspectorate regarding the actions (inactions) of the Public Company Kauno Maratono klubas, which, in the opinion of the participant, violate the provisions of legal acts.
1. Event organizers have a right to change rules.